Hunter turns 2! {Flower Mound, Tx Birth photography}
Hunter, or as he’s often referred to as “baby Hunter” is turning 2 years old! Oh, my…Where did the time go?! Hunter was “my” first baby, his birth was the first I’ve ever photographed and it was GLORIOUS! I will be forever grateful to his parents for allowing me to be present on this very special day and document his precious arrival! Today he is a smart, cute toddler and it’s been so special to be able to witness him changing and growing.
But first things first! Let me take you back two years ago today and walk you through his birth story!
I got a text from his mom around 10:00 in the morning on November 7th ,saying she was heading to the hospital to be admitted. She didn’t have any contractions yet, but her water had broken the night before and her doctor felt it was best for her to be admitted and monitored at the hospital. They also decided to help her labor get going by inducing her. By the looks of it, baby Hunter was going to arrive right on his due date!
It didn’t take long for labor to get going and things were progressing pretty quickly. Shortly after noon, they were ready for me to come to the hospital and I joined them about an hour later. When I walked in the room, mom was having very strong contractions with very short rest in between them, due to the pitocin. She was so calm and collected! Her awesome, caring husband and her amazing doula Jamie, were applying counter pressure to her lower back, to help her get through every contraction. She was doing amazing, getting through a pitocin-induced labor with no medication is not an easy task! And she was doing it so gracefully, what a strong mama!
Soon, mom felt the urge to push! Last moments before the birth of their baby boy!
Their beautiful baby boy was about to be born!
Dad witnessing his son’s birth.
Here he was, happy, healthy, chubby and very alert.
His grandma got to hold him.
And his big brother got to visit him and was so happy, proud and in love!
Look at all that hair! What a cutie!
Hunter’s birth was an amazing experience and the perfect beginning of my birth photography journey!
Happy 2nd birthday Hunter! You are my lucky charm!